Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How To Make Money From Doing Things You Love - Timebucks

Greetings!! Welcome to Timebucks! I believe that you want to learn how to earn money from this system and that is why I am here to share with you how I earn my dollars online without requiring a hard work.This is a legitimate job to make money online and this is called TIMEBUCKS. please read the full article to help you understand more how easy to earn money from here.


What is Timebucks?
TIMEBUCKS is a Get-Paid-To site that rewards you in real cash for completing some simple tasks. Some of the tasks include taking surveys, polling, watching videos, installing mobile apps(free), playing games, taking selfies, simply doing a search, referring friends and much more.
Registering an account with TimeBucks is easy. You can either sign up with Facebook or manually create an account using an email address and a password. 

Upon completion, TimeBucks will send you a confirmation email to your email address. You will have to verify this in order to receive payments down the road.Joining here is totally FREE! you don't need to invest money.


There are lots of different tasks for you to do to earn money.Under the "EARN" section, you can see the Surveys, Once Off, Watch Videos, Take photos, View Content, Games, Refer, Other Offers,& Offer Walls , paid emails, and the new features added which is the Mining.

SURVEY - There are a lot of surveys available for you to complete to earn money such as Daily Poll, Pollfish, SaySo, Peanut Labs, Tap Research, Adscend Media, Revenue Wall and Other Survey.

VIEW CONTENT -  Below picture is an example of a task to do under "View Content" section.By clicking the "view" button, you will be directed to another site and simply go through at least 10 pages of the slideshow then get credit.

TAKE PHOTOS -Your will earn money for taking a selfie everyday! You will earn big bonuses for uploading a certain amount of selfies over time. These photos will be used to make a timeline video such as "Photo Everyday for 6 Months" and will be featured on our YouTube channel and Facebook Page. If you do not want your photos available to the public, do not use this feature! Payouts are low for everyday selfies, but are very high for reaching bonus checkpoints. We can only create videos if we have a lot of photos that is why we encourage long term loyalty and you will be awarded greatly for that.
  • STEP
    Take a photo of yourself waist up including your whole face looking directly at the camera.
  • STEP
    Once you have submitted the photo, it will be pending approval by our team and they will either approve or reject your photo if you have not followed all of the rules.
  • STEP
    Once your photo is approved, you will receive a notification and you will be awarded that cash amount.
  • STEP
    Once you have reached one of the bonus checkpoints, you will be automatically awarded the bonus indicated in the bonus table.

GET PAID TO READ EMAILS- You will get paid to read emails with this task. Once your email is verified, you will occasionally receive emails from paid sponsors. You will know this because the subject will contain a dollar sign $. If you receive one of these emails, all you need to do is open it, read it, and then click on the link at the bottom of the email to redeem your credit. Each email pays a different amount ranging from $0.001 to $0.02. Please read the following FAQ questions to make sure you don’t lose any money!

WATCH VIDEO-There are videos you have to watch for atleast 60 seconds in order to get paid.The video amount from 01-10 cents.

REFER- You will get paid commission for anyone you refer to timebucks.It pays on 5 levels meaning whoever you refer you will get a commission for all the people they refer too.You can see your referral link on refer tab.

RAFFLE - You can purchase your raffle tickets from your unpaid balance.There are 4 different raffles available with different prizes.The more raffle ticket you buy the grater chance of winning.

OTHER OFFERs- This is downloading applications, subscribing and offers.

OFFER WALLS- Surveys, offers, subscribing,downloading.Complete the offers and get 

MINING -In this task, you will be paid to mine various cryptocurrencies using your computers processing power. By simply keeping this tab open, your PC will be automatically mining. We will be paying you in USD when you mine blocks of $0.005 worth of coins. You don't need to download any wallets as we are paying you in USD directly.

After registering here in Timebucks, the first tasks you should complete are from the “once off” section.

You have to complete this task, It's simple and easy.An example here is to like them on Facebook well, of course, everybody here has Facebook, another task is to subscribe to their youtube channel, submit your valid IDs to verify your identity, make a video to promote Timebuck and they will pay you a good amount on that.


PAYMENT PROOFTimeBucks is definitely not a scam. Many members are getting paid without any issue. Here is my payment proof that Timebuck really pays you for your effort.


You can withdraw through PayPal, It is more convenient and hassles free.You know what I love most in Timebucks is that they keep you updated for any changes they made and for any issue occurring and they fix it immediately.And plus they keep adding some new features to earn more money.And lastly, they give you a bonus from your hard work and loyalty.

All in all, I will say that Timebucks is for everyone who wants to earn extra money while you are having fun taking a selfie, watching the video, gaming, reading and so on.

So I am inviting you now to join TimebuckS and start earning now!

Thank you, everyone, for reading and to anyone who will be joining Timebucks, You are very much Welcome!!


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Thursday, March 2, 2017


Are you looking for the best android application where you can earn extra dollar at your free time.There is a lot of applications that are offering huge of opportunities to earn money BUT,not all of them were genuine and really pay you cash.Some of them are fake claiming that they are the best one and sometimes offer you a lot of good points in order you to join that apps then at the end you got disappointed.As a mom staying at home,I tried almost all the mobile applications where I can earn extra bucks at my free time.I look all over from the internet and tried it to myself.Some really works but some of them not. Okay in this post you will find the best android application which really PAY you extra income while at home I am confident to recommend this to you because this were all tried and tested.Genuine and Legit that really pay.

1.GRABPOINTS- In grabpoints you will get paid to download and install applications,you will get paid to take short surveys,you will get paid to play games,you will get paid to watch short videos,answering simple trivias,viewing articles and sharing to social media.There is a daily bonus points so you have to check it regularly.The minimum payout is $3 dollar (3000points) with your paypal account.Redemption method is Gift Cards-Amazon,Best Buy,WalMart,Sears,Starbucks and Paypal.Once you sign up there is 500points bonus that you will get instantly when you enter an invite code: Here is my invite code if you like to join grabpoints TWMRBL - you will get 500 bonus points

You can download it from google playstore from your android phone but it also works on your PC or laptop

You may want to visit my blog if you want a payment proof:Proof of payment from grabpoints
and check here for tutorials: Grabpoints Tutorial-How it works

2, LUCKY DAY - If you are a casino lovers then this is best application for you.You earn money just by playing addictive games such as,slots, scratcher, lotto, and blackjack game.Once you win you can easily retrieve your money through PayPal.You are given the chance to win money without ever spending a dime of your hard-earned cash — there’s no risk at all.Playing Lucky Day is better than playing the standard lottery, paying for a scratcher, or wasting money playing a slot machine or blackjack because you never have to spend a penny, yet still get the opportunity to win money. 

3.SLIDE JOY -A very easy to earn application just by locking and unlucking your screen.Slidejoy pays you in cash or rewards you in gift cards to have trending news and ads on your lock screen. Redeem cash rewards to your PayPal account or gift card rewards to your favorite retailers/brands. You can even donate the money you make from Slidejoy to give cash to charity! Make extra money online by downloading our free lock screen app today! To make money with Slidejoy, you DO NOTTO  take a survey, tap for money, download an app, or do anything other than to use your phone as you normally do. You also don't receive more or less for engaging with the ads. Yes, it’s that SIMPLE

4.APP TRAILERS If you love watching videos this is best one for you.It's very simple to earn money even leaving your phone and doing other things you still can earn money because the video continue to play and you earn money at the same time.App Trailers is completely FREE to use and is a great way to quickly view and check out the best features of an App in Android. Bonus alert, check out the new Uploaded videos. Fun and entertaining, Uploaded is where Twitter meets Youtube!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Earn Money From Facebook with AdFly


ADFLY is a re-directer used by people to get clicks for money with advertising. 
You have   to wait a few seconds then you can click skip ad.
Either way it is a advertising ploy.You can choose any link from the web and shrink it 
with AdFly and share it to Facebook and Twitter
Every time someone clicks on your shortened link, you are compensated for it.

you get paid for every visitor that views an advertisement from AdFly. If there is no 
matching advertiser for the visitor’s country, your shortened link will always work –
 but a non-paying default ad will be shown. You can change the URL for this default to
 anything you want.The potential of earning is unlimited and grows even further with 
their referral program which pays 20% of all of your referrals’ earnings for LIFE!

You can check your earnings and link views here

AdFly’s modes of payments are PayPal, Payoneer and Payza. You can withdraw your 
earnings at any time once you have earned $5.00. 


Saturday, February 11, 2017

DONKEYMAILS - Get Paid To Read Mails


Another great way to earn money online is by joining with DonkeyMails.

DonkeyMail is a famous site where members get paid by just reading emails,clicking website advertisement,completing task,etc,etc.

What DonkeyMails stands out from other PTC site is that DonkeyMails have the lowest payouts amount.You can cashout your earning as soon as you reach atleast $1 with Paypal,Payza.Perfect Money.

Another best thing in DokeyMails is that there is a huge advertisement site that pays you $0.01 - $0.03 by staying at their site for atleast 7 seconds.

Many ways to earn cash with DonkeyMails.See below:

Earnings Menu 

Members HomePaid2ClickContest PTCPoint2ClickPaid to Click 2 (offerwall)
Paid2SignupPaid2Signup Search CountryPaid To Signup USA Only!Upgrade MembershipPTCWall Cash PTC
Paid to PromoteManual Surf!(win Cash)Donkeymails RAFFLEGet Paid To Review!Referral Links
NEW OfferWalls!Top Offerwall Persona CashDONKEY LOTTODonkeymails AdCoopYour Inbox (11)
MinuteStaff Cash


Members Benefits 

  •  FREE Membership
  •  No minimum Okpay Payout! 
  •  Low $1 PerfectMoneyPaypal and Payza ($1.06) and $0.50 Solidtrustpay Payout
  •  Manual Surf with Cash and Credit prizes (win up to $25 Cash!)
  •  Earn extra money playing games
  •  High Rewarding USA/Search Country Signup Offers!
  •  Earn Cash Reading Our Daily eMails
  •  Get Paid for Clicking on ads
  •  Get Paid for sign-ups more then $250 to earn + Daily New offers!
  •  Payouts will be made each 2 weeks!
  •  Upgrade starting at only $7.99
  •  Get Paid To Promote $0.50 per 1,000 Credits!

5 Referral levels of commission under you.
Level 1 - 10%
Level 2 - 5%
Level 3 - 3%
Level 4 - 2%
Level 5 - 1%

So if you are looking for a site that pays quickly with very simple earning system,then you must join DonkeyMails now.It's absolutely FREE.

Click Here to Join DonkeyMails

Check also:  Mobile Apps That Pays

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Hello readers..I'm back again!Today I already reached 3000 points in my Grabpoints which is the minimum amount for payout and I am ready for cash out!Yeheeyy!!Now I'm gonna show you in this post the actual redemption with PayPal.


  1. Go to Redeem Section and click the Reward Store
  2.  Scroll down and look for Online Shopping.You will see Amazon,Paypal,& Bitcon-your reward option
  3.  Select Paypal by clicking it, then you will see the amount available to redeem.

4.  Simply click the amount on which is your currently have.If you have 3000 points you can redeem      $3 or redeem  $5 for 5000 points,$10 for 10000 points,$20 for 20000 points and $50 for 50000             points.
5.   Right after clicking the amount, a box will pop up to confirm your redemption.

6.   By clicking CONFIRM button,another box will pop up at that time you should receive your code       sent to your mobile number.


7.   Hit OK then another box will pop up and you will enter the code which is sent to your mobile              number 


8.    After entering the CODE sent from your mobile,click OK button again and your                        done!Congratulation for your first reward redemption!!

After 48 hours check your Paypal Account.You should see the $3 from Grabpoints added to your paypal account.

Exciting right?I know this is just a small amount and I wont even get rich by doing this even you or anyone else but the fact that you are earning money  with this very simple and easy application in your free time is really exciting.

So thats it for now and thank you for reading.

If you want to earn with Grabpoints,this is my invite code: TWMRBL and you will get 500 points bonus.



Wednesday, February 8, 2017



Do you love playing games on your mobile?How about watching short videos?or downloading cool new apps?Well I have a good news for you!You can now earn money while doing this things you love.With Grabpoints,you can earn good money while having fun at the same time?How was that?Cool right?Some of you perhaps don't know yet what is Grabpoints all about,how does it work,and how to earn from it.Okay so here is the answer:


Grabpoints is one of the best reward site that pays users to do easy and simple things such as downloading apps,answering easy trivia,watching short videos,taking surveys,playing games and many more.The concept was born in 2014 with one objective-create a platform for users that is easy,fun and rewarding.This is a free mobile based application that allows users to earn points.


Earning points is very simple and easy with Grabpoints that is why this is my number one reward site on my list.There are lots of ways to earn points in your dashboard such as: Complete surveys,downloading apps,playing games,answering simple trivia,watching short videos,and many more.You can also earn points with a daily bonus points.Refer to a friend and earn even more points.When your friend who signed up using your invite code have reached 3000 points you can get additional 100-500 points instantly.


Invite code is your unique code that will be given to you by grabpoints so you can use that when inviting and referring your friends to join Grabpoints.And best thing in Grabpoints is that anyone who will sign up using your invite code will automatically get a bonus of 500 points!It's the same thing with you.Once you sign up with Grabpoints using my invite code: TWMRBL you will get 500 points instantly which is equivalent to $.50 and once you reached 3000 points you can redeem $3.00 with paypal as simple as that!



Once you've collected enough points you are ready to redeem your reward that contains a variety of Gift Cards-Amazon,Best Buy,WalMart,Sears,Starbucks and many more or redeem in with cash with PayPal.The minimum points to redeem cash with PayPal is 3000 points which is equivalent to $3.00 so when you reached 3000 points you are ready to cash out!


To sign up go to  or manualy search for grabpoints.You will be directed to the website.Look at the picture below.

Click Join.Sign up using your active email account or you can  also sign up using your facebook  account or gmail.You will then be ask for an invite code.Now enter my invite code TWMRBL and submit.You will see your account with 500 points already.Proceed by completing your account under Get Started which seen in the picture below and get additional 50 points each.

Now you already have your Grabpoints account.The next thing you'll be doing is completing activities and watch your points balance rise! 


Tips: Watch this video

Please comment below for any question.