Sunday, February 12, 2017

Earn Money From Facebook with AdFly


ADFLY is a re-directer used by people to get clicks for money with advertising. 
You have   to wait a few seconds then you can click skip ad.
Either way it is a advertising ploy.You can choose any link from the web and shrink it 
with AdFly and share it to Facebook and Twitter
Every time someone clicks on your shortened link, you are compensated for it.

you get paid for every visitor that views an advertisement from AdFly. If there is no 
matching advertiser for the visitor’s country, your shortened link will always work –
 but a non-paying default ad will be shown. You can change the URL for this default to
 anything you want.The potential of earning is unlimited and grows even further with 
their referral program which pays 20% of all of your referrals’ earnings for LIFE!

You can check your earnings and link views here

AdFly’s modes of payments are PayPal, Payoneer and Payza. You can withdraw your 
earnings at any time once you have earned $5.00. 


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